Pion and eta production in elementary and heavy-ion collisions at SIS energies

M. Gumberidze, A. Wrońska, A. Magiera, C. Guaraldo, H. Ströher
2016 EPJ Web of Conferences  
A main emphasis of the HADES program is on the dielectron signal from the early phase of heavy-ion collisions. We discuss the data with respect to the emission of charged hadrons, specifically the production of π + and π − mesons, which are related to neutral pions representing a dominant contribution to the dielectron yield. In addition, inclusive pion production obtained with the photon-conversion method is disscused. Preliminary results from Au+Au at 1.23 AGeV are presented.
doi:10.1051/epjconf/201613005007 fatcat:rlcxwl4p5jannac2ooy3rnmcua