The Design of Switching Mode Power Supply Charger Based on PFC

Ya-long Liu, Guan-yue Zhang, Kuang-cheng Li
2018 Proceedings of the 2018 7th International Conference on Energy and Environmental Protection (ICEEP 2018)   unpublished
a Abstract. design a Switching Mode Power Supply Charger with a power factor correction. Discuss the design scheme of main circuit and control circuit. Expound the calculation method of the key element parameters. The experiments indicate that the device get a good performance on output and reliability. The charger is appropriate for all types of battery. 1.Introduction This paper discusses the development of the storage battery charger with a power factor correction. The
more » ... stage uses continuous conduction mode(CCM) of the average current mode PFC circuits. The advantage is that it can operate over a wide input voltage range(usually 90-270v AC)[1], by this way it can overcome the conventional Switching Mode Power Supply input voltage range narrower problems, and obtain high power factor. The second stage uses interleaved two-transistor forward circuit. The advantage is a smaller transformer can be used to obtain higher output power. Parallel mode makes the conduction ratio is 2 times of the original ratio to reduce the maximum peak of output voltage, we can use small withstand voltage of power devices. Input voltage and current ripple is reduced to the half, frequency is doubled, and the volume of the input filter is reduced accordingly. The system principle block diagram as follows: 7th
doi:10.2991/iceep-18.2018.92 fatcat:tsgvnpyn4fcchlehldbbo25tvq