Exploring the Model Space of Airborne Electromagnetic Data to Delineate Large‐Scale Structure and Heterogeneity within an Aquifer System

S. Kang, R. Knight, T. Greene, C. Buck, G. Fogg
2021 Water Resources Research  
The airborne electromagnetic (AEM) method can play an important role in the study and management of groundwater systems, by providing a model of the subsurface that captures the large-scale variation in lithology or sediment type throughout a survey area. A typical workflow for the interpretation of AEM data involves the compilation and review of all relevant ancillary data from the survey area (e.g., driller's logs, geophysical logs, and geological cross-sections); the initial processing of
more » ... acquired data, to remove low quality data (Auken et al., 2018) ; the inversion of the data, to recover the electrical resistivity distribution in the subsurface and define a resistivity model (
doi:10.1029/2021wr029699 fatcat:mrq73lgcgjhixhxcimvgcytoey