Security Threat Evaluation for Smartgrid Control System
스마트그리드 제어시스템 보안 위협 평가 방안 연구

Jongbin Ko, Seokjun Lee, Taeshik Shon
2013 Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security and Cryptology  
Security vulnerability quantification is the method that identify potential vulnerabilities by scoring vulnerabilities themselves and their countermeasures. However, due to the structural feature of smart grid system, it is difficult to apply existing security threat evaluation schemes. In this paper, we propose a network model to evaluate smartgrid security threat for AMI and derive attack scenarios. Additionally, we show that the result of security threat evaluation for proposed network model and attack scenario by applying MTTC scheme.
doi:10.13089/jkiisc.2013.23.5.873 fatcat:trosyz4rcjh4lavoqijuhhdq44