Computation calibration on distance measurement in an ultrasonic remote sensing device

M Nasucha, Yohandri, J T S Sumantyo, K Hattori, H Kuze
2019 Journal of Physics, Conference Series  
Ultrasonic wave is suitable to be used as information carrier in short-range remote sensing practices. When developing a short-range ultrasonic remote sensing device, the object distance measurement routine shall produce an accurate result. In a few-meter or several-meter object detection or imaging, millimeter accuracy is required, therefore, a calibration becomes crucial. This article addresses the process and the result of our research on calibrating the distance between the device and the
more » ... ckscattering object. Our approach consists of investigating potential delay contributors, recognizing the practical delay contributors by analysing the program routine, formulating the calibration equation and applying the calibration equation in the computation.
doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1185/1/012023 fatcat:njttl5xfd5eblbtbszrysrzppy