A monthly record for all interested in chemical manufactures: Part 2
Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry
1223 an' ndhesiro substnncc (India-rubber, guttn percha, spermaceti, nrtificinl Rum, resin, or otlier. like mitterinl), the fibres lying in ull directious, conihined byyessure to form n homopiicons whole, is claimed. Thc.fibren nre Iilorn by hot nir in n chnmher on to nu eudless cloth covered with nil ndhesive layer, nnd when one layer lins Iicen deposited, the miiterinl is pirssed tlirongli n heated chnmber to dry and then through calenders. ! t again receives h cont of ndliesive nnd fibres,
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... J is iigitiu dried nnd cnlc'ndcred, nnil so ou, until the dcsired thickness is oblniiied. Uy spreniling the IaycrJ on u iiiodel, cycle tyres, niay be mnde. ,> Theimnteriiil is ~3 i d to be also useful for strnps, belts, wmbcm;tyrc covers, floor cloths, wnll coverings, inwlnting matcrinls, nn!! tlie like.-JI. I. X1V.-TANNING ; LEATHER, GLUE, SIZE. 3ivittoiik; Contrihttioii .to -(Ire Stid!/ of the --. 11. I~n1iz-1Criiuse. Cliem. Centr. 18'J9,1, [o], 559. .. Trw, nritlior.trents .of hissubject iii;hcr five hendings :-(1) The so-enllrd tiiunios nod tlieir siguificnncc ir: plant life.,. (2) Attewpts to clnssify tho s-mAlcd trimins. ( 8 ) Systeuintic elnssiticntion of tlic tnnuoids. (4) ?'lie relation bctweeu the constitutioii of thc tannoids irud their bclinviour to -reagent#. The reageuts con~idcrctl, comprise ' ferric cliloride, gelatin. :(glue), albuiiiiii, iilknloids, niid tartnr eiiielic. The nuthor foiiiiil tlirtt tlie retigents nnmcd nre not general reagents for tnuniu ns is iisunlly ncceptcd, but nro 01119 specific group rengents for dilfercnt subdivisious of his system, viz.. fur the tnnnoid nnliydriiles produced from tivo or uiorc molcciilys of 1irotoccrtechuie ncid or gnllie ncid hy itbstrnetion of witter. 'l'lie reactions given by the itbow A n en:s mid others ritli gallic, digullie, elhgitnnuic,' irnd %&c mid.*, titnuin. trigallic nciil, hc., nre collectctl in it tihlr. ( 5 ) The n:rtural triinsformntiou products of tho tnnuoids, irnd the rclution of these to the plilohnpheiies nud rotcntt nod to other groups of plnnt'constitucnts. Por the purpose of clnssifyiii~ the tnunoids, besides tlic rmctious mid Jccoinpositious effectcd by cbeniicnl uienus, the nutlior ~~roceeils on the lines that. use ciiu be miide also of the clirlugcs which occur anturally in tlic plants, espeeiiilIy the foriuiitioii of ' I plilobiiplicne " niid "reds " (" Role "), i.e., tlie red to reddis?l:broan iimorphous eolouring nintters of bnrks, aliicb, likegnllotaiinic acid, rung bc considered ns itnliytlrides pf tiiuiioid mother-substmces (thnt is, us defiuite inter1iic:lintc products OF n process .of dehydration of iironintio hyilrosyitcids). Tlic relation of phlobnphene nnd reds " (" Rote "1 to gullot~i~iuoiil~ aiih~.drides is nlso siiowu by tlie siuiiliir l~elinvioiir (Iireeipitntion) with gclntiii. (See nlso this ,Ioiirunl, 18'JG. 83I.)-A. s. Lrcithch j Cuiiipositioii qf !l,vtyiitrii -, told Ihr IirJ(cieiice YOJ: the Nufrtrc of 'flte luttrtieq ll'itrtw 011 flie srtritic. 'I<. Silioiil, l!OUrFe nus Cuirs de LiSge, Sept. 1901. ,>. C u i i t~~~~s i~i u~i (d' I l u l~i c~i~~L e o f /~e t~c . -~l~c folloming tuble fi}10,1.5 tho cumpositiou (Iiiglicst nnd lowest v;ilues to oiie !]eciinnl place) of 15 geiiuiuc leiithere, tuuurtl with rnters of Itnow~i ,composition" tilost of them dilferciit. Thi! siiingliii Iiiitl irll'bceu'kept for soiiie tiiiic in Ii iviiriii ntuioslihcrc,'~o"tlirit -the "l~crceiitnge of inoisturc is rirtlier Ibiv~(iisutr1ly nlroiit 18 per ccut. for.Uelginu lentliers). The "totnl soluble" is high beciiuect in lcnst tlireo lilrcs ivcru. used for cstruction, iiistend of onl?, one litre. (See pngc 124'~; -For the snnle rendou uu-coiiibined tiiiiuiu " anti 61 sol~ibk iioii-tirunin " are ulso high. . )1(11c 1' Iiitlc-substtruce " IWS tleteriiiiued by l~jcl~liilil's orij+iiI method, co~iipleted by nddition of ~iermiiii~iiuiiti; wliic~i gives rntlier high results, niid h i i d ti couscyiieut iptliiencr 011 the fnctors nssocintcd with thij one. -. 11. I!. Proctcr. Scc wider X S I I I .~.~I I~/ C 1240. Qricbi~ticho E x h i r e f ; ; I ii;dg.sk of --. C. ~ileuk. See iitridcr SSIII., p y e 12 13. Lecithcr ; Cotilribirtioic lo fhc Cltcrnicid Sttidy of [diiii~ysiu of ] -. 13. Sihoul. See iitrder XXIII., puye 1249. Ciiromcd Iiide Poiccler ; dpplicntion of -, irr Aticrlysis of Tmtrirfg dZaferids. J . I'iressler and W. Appelius. See Icrrder SSIII., poyc 12.19. PATESTS. Rare 31ide; Process for Trcufing -. n. Crossdiilc Eug. Put. 19,542 T~I E hide, after the removnl of 1111 hnir, flrsliings, kc., is sonkcd for 3-4 hours in n bath containing soft water (1.000 pnrts), snlicylic ncid (2 pnrts), picric iicid (3 pnrts). nnd boric ncid (25 parts). It is then stretched, dried in warm air, niid sponged with n eoliition of potassium bichromntc (2: per cent.) in diirused dnyliglit. Exposure to full suuliglit completes the process.--lL 11. J. .Ir/iJeiul .qponyes [from Lcutlrcr Fibres] ; MitiiiJiicture o f -. C. Pniilitschky, Viennii. Eng. l'nt. 18,808, rise 1e:itlicr fibres, free from fat, w e saturated with "sulpliur milk," nod, lifter drxirig, arc sonkcd in liquid c:routclioiic nnd nuimouium carboimtc, nnd thc tough IUIISS thus ~irodiiced is b a t e d gmdunll~, prefcrnbly in vacrio, from I", ' rrp to 140' C., whereby po~es or c\inimels we formed in the ninss, by tlic cscnpc of p s produced by tlic dccoiiipositiou of tlir nmmoniuni cnrbounte, nud tlic caoutchouc i3 viilcnniseil by the sulphur. Tlie product thus obkiined, mny bo dyed and used us u substitute for loofns rind bath sponges, Rc.-Ii. 1. Fiibric or Jfatcritil [ Lcothcr Suh.~titiitc] ntid Articles f r o~u 1:i'Lrc ttnd itti .,lclhtsice ; .lfuutrJircfiire nf -. -1. Ocstcrlield. Eng. kit. 10,007, M y 14, 1901. Src t(iii1i-r SIII. C., J J R~C 1222.