Promoting library services to campus administrative offices: A new approach and a new tool

Jian Wang
2019 College & research libraries news  
A search of "Library Literature"1 indicates that much has been written about uni versity library services provided to students and faculty. However, as of this writing, no literature addresses issues on promoting uni versity library services to the subset of non academic offices on campus, suggesting that campus administrative offices are often ne glected and underserved by the library. This article describes a pilot project, un dertaken at the University of Michigan at Dearborn's (UMD)
more » ... n Library, to ex tend information services and resources to this neglected user group. It demonstrates the implications of the changing nature of library services for academic librarians w ho are chal lenged to think and act like entrepreneurs in meeting the increased and changing needs of all user groups on campus.
doi:10.5860/crln.62.2.193 fatcat:6gc2n6747vciljvyjubphp7k3q