Claudia Muţulescu
Geogaphica Timisiensis   unpublished
The geographic position of a place represents a permanent influence factor in the apparition and development of cities, determining various connections between the urban centre and other centres or surrounding areas and influencing its evolution. Timişoara is one of the most important cities of Romania, with a rich history, dictated mainly by its position, which left a mark upon its urban evolution and present aspect. Timişoara, the most western of the major cities of Romania is situated near
more » ... e border with Hungary and Serbia at a distance of less than 600 km of 13 European capital cities on the junction of important circulation routes that facilitate communication between Central and Western Europe and SouthEast Europe Timişoara is situated in an area of cultural and religious interference that grants the city an multicultural character. Rezumat. Importanţa poziţiei geografice în apariţia şi dezvoltarea oraşului Timişoara. Poziţia geografică reprezintă un factor de influenţă permanentă în apariţia şi dezvoltarea oraşelor, determinând legături diverse intre centrul urban şi alte centre sau zone înconjurătoare şi influenţând evoluţia sa. Timişoara reprezintă unul dintre cele mai de seamă oraşe ale României, cu o istorie zbuciumată, datorată în primul rând poziţiei sale, care şi-a lăsat amprenta asupra evoluţiei urbane şi a aspectului său actual. Timişoara, cel mai vestic dintre oraşele mari ale României este situat în apropierea graniţei cu Ungaria şi Serbia, la mai puţin de 600 km distanţă de 13 capitale ale Europei. Importanta acestei poziţii este cu atât mai mare cu cât Timişoara se afla la joncţiunea a importante căi de comunicaţie care facilitează legături de comunicaţie intre Europa Centrala si de Vest si Europa de sud Est. Timişoara se afla in partea de vest a tarii intr-o zona de interferenta a mai multor culturi şi religii ceea ce ii conferă un caracter multicultural. The geographic position of a place represents a permanent influence factor in the apparition and development of cities, determining various connections between the urban centre and other centres or surrounding areas and influencing its evolution. Vintilă Mihăilescu said that "a specific task for geography is the obligation to identify, investigate and explain urban settlements as undissociated systems, i.e. elements of the landscape and functional entities integrated in the territory and this cannot be done without reporting the urban complex to its position". Timişoara is one of the most important cities of Romania, with a rich history which left a mark upon its urban evolution and present aspect. Timişoara, the most western of the major cities of Romania is situated at the intersection of the 45°17ìat N parallel with the 21°17ìong E meridian, at approximate