Near sputter-threshold GaSb nanopatterning

Osman El-Atwani, Sean Gonderman, Jean Paul Allain
2013 Journal of Applied Physics  
Nanopatterning at sputter-threshold energies with Ar irradiation of GaSb (100) surfaces is presented. Comparison with high-energy irradiations up to 1000 eV is conducted measuring in-situ the composition evolution over irradiation time at early stages (e.g., <10 17 cm À2 ) and up to nanostructure saturation (e.g., $10 18 cm À2 ). Low-energy irradiation is conducted for energies between 15-100 eV and a low-aspect ratio nanostructured dot formation is found. Furthermore, the role of oxide on GaSb
more » ... is found to delay nanostructure formation and this is predominant at energies below 100 eV. In-situ quartz crystal microbalance measurements collect sputtered particles yielding the sputter rate at threshold energies indicating a correlation between erosion and surface composition consistent with recent theoretical models. Ion-induced segregation is also found and indicated by both compositional measurements of both the surface and the sputtered plume. V C 2013 AIP Publishing LLC. [http://dx.
doi:10.1063/1.4820261 fatcat:jzxm7jznqzgn5kkyagqj7tfnvy