Risk relievers in mail-order catalogue retailing: The case of the high-frequency purchaser of low-involvement products

N. S. Terblanche, C. Boshoff, E. V.D.M. Smit
1999 South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences  
This article reports on the identification of how various risk relievers, available to consumers and mail-order catalogue organisations, influence general risk perception. Consumers who have purchased low-involvement products on a number of occasions by mail-order constitute the sample. The findings are that two of the major risk relievers significantly reduce, whilst another one increases, the general risk perceptions of mail-order customers when buying low-involvement goods. These findings
more » ... important to mail-order catalogue managers because they confirm that a variety of risk relievers need to be offered to ensure that perceived risks are properly addressed.
doi:10.4102/sajems.v2i3.2585 fatcat:zups5lusi5dktdozma5yzsmb7e