Examination of Postgraduate Theses on History Textbooks in Turkey in Terms of Some Variables

2018 European Journal of Educational Research  
The purpose of this study was to examine the postgraduate theses that focused on history textbooks between 1989 and 2017 in Turkey. The population was composed of 126 postgraduate theses (master's and doctoral) which were obtained from Thesis Center of Higher Education Council (HEC), Republic of Turkey. The document review method was used to evaluate the theses in the study. Thesis analysis form, which was developed by the researcher, was used as the data collection tool. This form involved
more » ... s related to the theses' levels, years, universities and institutes, title of the advisors, focus countries, and research design. The findings were interpreted making use of percentages and frequencies. The results showed that some universities in Turkey such as Gazi University distinguished themselves in terms of the number of theses on history textbooks. The fact that there were 108 master's theses and 18 doctoral theses raises the importance of the current study. As a result of this study, discussion and some recommendations were presented about the theses on history textbooks.
doi:10.12973/eu-jer.7.2.225 fatcat:7objj2x3rzfitafxoo7qdwc2ta