An Automated System for Measurement of Absorption Coefficients Using the Transient Thermoelectric Technique

D.W. Duback, L.A. Frizzell, W.D. O'Brien
1979 1979 Ultrasonics Symposium  
The transient thermoelectric technique provides the only means currently available to determine the absorption coefficient, as opposed to the attenuation coefficient, in tissue. However, the data acquired over the many years this technique has been available has been limited to some extent by cumbersome and time consuming hand processing of recorded responses. Recently, an automated system for near real-time Iceasurement of absorption coefficients in liquids and biological tissue has been
more » ... ped. The output of a precision amplifier is presented to the analog interface of a mini-computer and digitized information subsequently processed. A smaller mini-computer is used to control gain, filtering, transducer placement and intensity. This allows real-time processing to a degree sufficient to point to possible anomalies during the course of an experiment. Calibration of the various components of the system has been carried out, and materials of known absorption characteristics measured.
doi:10.1109/ultsym.1979.197227 fatcat:k42htijuk5ftxhv35mnyvc3huu