Reduction of the East Asian winter monsoon interannual variability after the mid-1980s and possible cause

ShengPing He
2012 Chinese Science Bulletin  
The East Asian winter monsoon (EAWM) consists of subsystems such as the Siberian high, Aleutian low, East Asian trough, low-level northerly wind and high-level East Asian jet stream. It is revealed that the interannual variation of the EAWM-related atmospheric circulation has exhibited an obvious weakening since the mid-1980s. During 1956-1980, significant negative correlations between the EAWM and sea surface temperature are observed in the oceans along the east coast of East Asia, accompanied
more » ... by significant positive correlations in the western Warm Pool. However, the significant interannual relationship in the previous period is found to have been disrupted during 1986-2010. Further analysis reveals that the Arctic Oscillation after the mid-1980s tends to suppress the interannual variability of the EAWM. In addition, it was found that the large-scale warming after the mid-1980s is favorable to reduce the land-sea thermal contrast variability on both the interdecadal and interannual time scales. East Asian winter monsoon, interannual variability, SST, global warming Citation: He S P. Reduction of the East Asian winter monsoon interannual variability after the mid-1980s and possible cause.
doi:10.1007/s11434-012-5468-5 fatcat:txoxh6g5sne2bfn6yhyfpahqka