Recent results on B-physics and multiquark states from LHCb [report]

Bernardo Adeva, Bernardo Adeva, LHCb Collaboration
2017 Münster  
A review is made of recent results on flavour physics and multiquark states by the LHCb experiment. These cover a wide range of topics discussed at the School, which are briefly summarized here, with reference to the relevant publications. The topics range from a complete review of the $B^0_{(s)} -\bar{B}^0_{(s)}$ meson oscillations, with and without CP violation, with a specific discussion of CPT non conservation, to axion and inflaton searches at a hadron collider. Results on rare decays and
more » ... eak anomalies are also summarized, and a follow-up is made of the charmonium-pentaquark discovery and of recent findings on tetraquark-like states.
doi:10.3204/desy-proc-2016-04/adeva fatcat:mnw4vprcnjhurbguq4frbyomua