Research on the Usage of Electronic Information Resources of the Humanities Scholars in Korea
인문학자의 전자정보원 이용행태에 관한 연구

Cheong-Ok Yoon
2009 Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science  
The purpose of this study is to investigate the use of the electronic information resources of humanities scholars in Korea and propose the planning of academic library and information services to serve their needs. To collect data, a postal survey was conducted during the period of November 2007 through January 2008. Out of 799 humanities scholars sampled from 25 universities, 132 responded with a completion rate of 16%. The major findings of this study are as follows: Firstly, the majority of
more » ... humanities scholars distribute their time equally between research and education, and conduct independent research. Secondly, they use, to a certain degree, electronic information resources largely in text format, and depend upon the electronic collection of their academic libraries. Thirdly, with the exception of a couple of sources of electronic journal resources, the electronic resources that these humanities scholars regularly use vary so widely that none could be considered to be a common resource. Fourthly, they value the convenience of accessing and using electronic resources, but worry about the quality and scope of the contents. It is suggested that academic libraries (1) become the gateway for the electronic information that is available both inside and outside the library, (2) provide integrated search feature for and a 'single sign on' access to electronic resources, and (3) plan customized user education for specific subject fields in the humanities.
doi:10.4275/kslis.2009.43.2.005 fatcat:djwzrzlj4ndlpfi2iblfg776aq