Initial value problem approach of two regions of system solar: the continuous spectrum

Ángel De Andrea González
2014 Journal of Physics, Conference Series  
The standard mathematical procedures in Helioseismology field are based on normal mode approach for various models of solar interior and atmosphere. We consider a two region model of a system solar interior and solar atmosphere. For simplicity, the two different regions are assumed quasi-isothermal, semi-infinite, without magnetic fields and separated by a boundary z=0. It was found useful to phrase of stability as initial value problem (IPV) in order to ensure the inclusion of certain
more » ... modes otherwise neglected. In addition to discrete mode (f-mode), sets of continuum modes due to a branch cuts in the complex plane, not treated explicitly in the literature, appears. It will be seen that an ambiguity of the usual normal mode method is avoided.
doi:10.1088/1742-6596/516/1/012016 fatcat:kkjkqfsy65ctrgilorgq6ihrgi