Espécies de Panurgillus Schlindwein & Moure (Hymenoptera, Andrenidae) depositados no Naturkunde Museum, Berlin

Clemens Schlindwein, Jesus Santiago Moure
1999 Revista Brasileira de Zoologia  
Species or Panurgillus Schlindwein & Moure (Hymenoptera, Andrenidae), deposited in the Naturkunde Museum, Berlin. The bees described as Panurginus Nylander, 1848, from southern South America and deposited in the Museum Humboldt, Berlin, were studied. Seven species were redescribed and transferred to the genus Panurgillus Schlindwein & Moure, 1998: P. aeneiventris (Friese, 1908) , P. brunneicornis (Strand, 1910) , P. paraguayanus (Strand, 1910) , P. pauloensis (Friese, 1916) , P. sallensis
more » ... e, 1908) , P. solani (Ducke, 1912) e P. sleinbachi (Friese, 1916) . A key for the identification of the 21 known species ofthe genus is included. Panurginusflaviceps Friese, 1916 and P. saltensis varo nigroclypeata Friese, 1908 described by Friese are synonyms of Anthrenoides meridionalis (Schrottky, 1906) . Panurginus laticeps Ftiese, 1916 belongs to Cephalurgus Moure & Oliveira, 1962 and P. nigriceps Friese is a species of Bicol/eles Friese, 1908 (Colletidae, Paracolletini).
doi:10.1590/s0101-81751999000500006 fatcat:cg6cndv2dzd3hdms4xnguny3oq