Comments on manuscript SE-2020-94 [post]

Jordi Julià Casas
2020 unpublished
This manuscript investigates the reflectivity of the Iberian crust along a dense transect crossing the Iberian Central System (ICS) and adjacent foreland basins. Interestingly, the authors utilize autocorrelation functions (ACFs) of ambient seismis noise recorded at a number of short-period (f > 2 Hz) stations. The ACFs are obtained after stacking a number of daily phase autocorrelograms in the 1.5-4 Hz frequency range with phase weight for each station. A reflectivity cross-section is then
more » ... t from the juxtaposition of single-station ACFs and interpreted in terms of past and present tectonic processes. Overall, I found the manuscript to be correctly structured, well written and appropriate C1
doi:10.5194/se-2020-94-rc2 fatcat:odcufn426redthxukg67qqliuy