The Cowichan Leader [Thursday, September 30, 1915] [article]

(:Unkn) Unknown, University, My, University, My
1w bylaw to cbaage the name of ion atrect aad Kiag's road to Jq. w atrect, waa read ooee. The local )ro»emeBt conioHdatim debentare aw paaaed ita third rca4hw. A lewoi^reec ' Prospects Favomable-^Wiy Not Yore Boipe ............ii' ii' M' "ii' iiiinii Cnred 'Bacott ? i. Co.'a wharf awaltiag ordcra. * oi ^ Japaaeae who deaertad ftota the Man while ia, e|A porf ha>e beea nugfat Ooc, oa tNhtg Kacelied. waa foimd to hare a fiv^ehwhei^ loaded molver, aad a faabt la a abehih oa Kim. two haTe been
more » ... ted, and the third ta-j ^to Naaahoo to be tcjtnrned to hie Word )ua beea received from Ifr. Tod. Hotels that he haa beea trauaferred frotti the motor cycle corpa. He joined here ia Ja^ aad driving a motor traoaport in France. The many ftieada of Nra. A. E. FoOowtag BP the recent artielea air better price for grain than U in ai^t ^epU_hM^b™g^joJe^atpr.sea0 jir^g,wrthoâ held before the cotmcB aat eoyery, after her.aeriona Oineaa In the ho'ipital here. . . ^ mata on FeeAng. >t be overlooked. 0alri^g ,witho^ Aa a gehetal gdlde to feeding H b pigalia an ihedmplete tadaatr/and it neceaaary to ae^rhte piga according is auerted that, geoenlly ipeaktn» to tiaea In ordertd geTgood reanlta, there are not on Cowiehan farma ha aad keep than growhig from ^e bô advaamge ex-SALT 8FRINO ISLAND The 30th animal (bchibttion of the lalanda Agrienhural and rrnit Grew ' Aiaocbtion took place at Gangea Wednetday, September 22nd: The exfaibita, thoagh not beiag ap to laat year'a ataadard ai regarda munbef. Snbacription |1 Yearly te Ta^ay Splendid Sesponse to Appeal many piga kept aa there ahoeld bA. giaiung. Neither are there cnifideDt boga raited' BoDiag feed b of in the district to attpply the local 4e-cept for potatoes, ttm^ and s^tiaA. mand for pork. There b little or noj Gr ' ' ' ' ' no) Gronnd grain ia better than whole • (grain. Whole grain eaa be fed scat Jam Day Mn.R ground grain it ap* tbi'wedbdpd in aemaiaiia, (hc gaeat tain that the man who aticka to itv^'peara to be immaterial whether it is of Ui» Ilalhed ' Ura. Palmer left on avenge ont well enongb, jnat aa M!led diy, wet or aodccd. If the piga
doi:10.25316/ir-2462 fatcat:txqtnxr2n5bihoevucyu53xofq