Residual Stress Measurement with Laser-Optical and Mechanical Methods

Venancio Martínez-García, Martin Wenzelburger, Andreas Killinger, Giancarlo Pedrini, Rainer Gadow, Wolfgang Osten
2014 Advanced Materials Research  
A new approach in hole-drilling residual stress analysis is described, applying a laser for quasi non-destructive material removal by laser ablation and measuring simultaneously the residual deformation around the hole by means of high-resolution, digital holographic interferometry. To evaluate this technology, experiments measuring well-defined in-plane stresses in curved strip specimen, on experimental bending device based on the European Standard for four-point bending tests, were carried
more » ... with the conventional hole drilling and milling technique and the laser-optical technique described.
doi:10.4028/ fatcat:36bjlcwowrctpeyci3k6d6srye