5D SYM on 3D deformed spheres

Teruhiko Kawano, Nariaki Matsumiya
2015 Nuclear Physics B  
We reconsider the relation of superconformal indices of superconformal field theories of class S with five-dimensional N=2 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory compactified on the product space of a round three-sphere and a Riemann surface. We formulate the five-dimensional theory in supersymmetric backgrounds preseving N=2 and N=1 supersymmetries and discuss a subtle point in the previous paper concerned with the partial twisting on the Riemann surface. We further compute the partition function by
more » ... localization of the five-dimensional theory on a squashed three-sphere in N=2 and N=1 supersymmetric backgrounds and on an ellipsoid three-sphere in an N=1 supersymmetric background.
doi:10.1016/j.nuclphysb.2015.07.018 fatcat:2nfnljsxgrbt3ou2442zvrfuvi