Simultaneous detection of tumor cells and the positive result of genetic test for Mycobacterium tuberculosis in pleural effusion
Jednoczesne wykrycie komórek nowotworowych i materiału genetycznego pratków gruźlicy w płynie opłucnowym

Monika Czystowska, Anna Stokłosa, Ewa Szczepulska-Wójcik, Krystyna Maszkowska-Kopij, Lucyna Opoka, Agnieszka Skoczylas, Dorota Górecka
2010 Pneumonologia i Alergologia Polska  
Pleural effusion is a frequently observed lesion in the course of respiratory diseases such as inflammatory process and cancer metastasis. Its cause may be either tuberculosis (the most common extrapulmonary location is the pleura) and malignant disease of the pleura. Confirmation of tuberculosis is often troublesome. The primary site of cancer may be also difficult to find despite the application of difficult diagnostic methods. Below we present history of 79-year-old female in whom
more » ... us cells and positive result of PCR for Mycobacterium tuberculosis in pleural fluid were discovered simultaneously suggesting the tuberculosis and cancer of unknown primary origin.
pmid:20665450 fatcat:qhfe2gagyfhmhb3dbc2ajlwwbi