Brain abscess in a non-penetrating traumatic intracerebral hematoma: Case report and review of literature

Vedantam Rajshekhar, SanthoshGeorge Thomas, RanjithK Moorthy
2009 Neurology India  
We report a 57-year-old man who presented one month after sustaining a traumatic right temporal intracerebral hematoma with history of headache, left hemiparesis and altered sensorium of two days duration. A diagnosis of right temporal resolving hematoma was made on computed tomography scan. However, his sensorium progressively deteriorated and he underwent craniotomy and partial excision of an abscess. He was treated with appropriate antibiotics for six weeks despite of which he did not
more » ... and died nine months later. We conclude that there should be a high index of suspicion for brain abscess in patients with traumatic intracerebral hemorrhage if the clinical and radiological picture is different from the expected course of a resolving hematoma. Case Report measures. He was a diabetic on irregular medication. On examination, the glasgow coma scale (GCS) score was 13/15 and pupils were equal and reacting. There was Grade 4/5 power in the left upper and lower limbs. There was no evidence of any external injury.
doi:10.4103/0028-3886.48812 pmid:19305084 fatcat:kyplxkintfamxavvnnpq6i5p7i