Primary hypothyroidism and thyroid goiter in an adult cat

M Galgano, I Spalla, C Callegari, M Patruno, E Auriemma, G Zanna, S Ferro, E Zini
A 5-year old, neutered male domestic shorthair cat was referred for evaluation of suspected 15 hypothyroidism. In the previous 2 months the owner reported mild lethargy, weight gain and 16 reduced appetite, unkempt hair coat and an episode of bilateral external otitis that temporarily 17 improved completing a 10 days treatment with ear drops containing gentamicin, betamethasone 18 and clotrimazole a ; treatment was terminated 50 days before. The cat was slightly overweight 19 since several
more » ... s before consulting with the veterinarian, but more precise information was 20 not available from the owner. The cat was started on a commercial diet to control obesity b . One 21 month prior to admission the referring veterinarian performed a complete blood count, a serum 22
doi:10.5167/uzh-99169 fatcat:rsmnm7xh2zahzbrpuc3cnotk24