Topology-dependent stability of a network of dynamical systems with communication delays

Angela Schollig, Ulrich Munz, Frank Allgower
2007 2007 European Control Conference (ECC)   unpublished
In this paper, we analyze the stability of a network of first-order linear time-invariant systems with constant, identical communication delays. We investigate the influence of both system parameters and network characteristics on stability. In particular, a non-conservative stability bound for the delay is given such that the network is asymptotically stable for any delay smaller than this bound. We show how the network topology changes the stability bound. Exemplarily, we use these results to
more » ... answer the question if a symmetric or skew-symmetric interconnection is preferable for a given set of subsystems. Index Terms-Network of dynamical systems, time-delay, network topology, stability.
doi:10.23919/ecc.2007.7068977 fatcat:56g4jhwvuve7jl6ucz2ttqk5ni