Concept of solubility, soft drinks and pectin jelly

Arja Ollila, Tanja Aho, Tiina Helminen, Anne Helppolainen, Katri Mäkelä, Ville- Pekka Pulkkinen
2013 LUMAT  
The aim of this double class is to demonstrate and emphasise the concept of solubility and associate it with everyday life by preparing and eating simple food in school. This lesson is suitable for upper secondary school and with certain limitations to secondary school. Solubility is discussed in 7th grade chemistry in connection to the study of chemical work methods. In secondary school the work can be used in connection with organic chemistry when learning about sugars and carbohydrates. In
more » ... per secondary school concepts detailing substance structure and chemical bonds are further elaborated on and applied to various circumstances.
doi:10.31129/lumat.v1i2.1117 fatcat:2ntqwgpmgvcfnobbkmmlyd2x3i