Robust Pedestrian Detection Framework using Harris Corner Detector and Kalman Filter

Manisha Domale, Dr. Vijay Gaikwad
2017 International Journal of Engineering Research and  
Detecting and tracking objects are among the most prevalent and challenging tasks that a surveillance system. Under the business intelligence notion, an object is a human, a queue of people, a crowd. In this paper we introduce the reader to main trends and provide taxonomy of popular methods to give an insight to underlying ideas as well as to show their limitations in the hopes of facilitating integration of object detection and tracking for more effective business oriented video analytics.
more » ... ditioned on these results, we then address object interactions, tracking, and prediction during a second step. The approach is through an experiment evaluated on many long and tough video sequences from busy inner-city locations. Our results show that the projected integration makes it doable to deliver robust tracking performance in scenes of realistic complexness.
doi:10.17577/ijertv6is020125 fatcat:n4cqo6taobcjvot6zdd6d3qthy