'Influenc­­­ing' – ein Modell religionspädagogisch reflektierten Handelns?

Viera Pirker
2021 International Journal of Practical Theology  
With the changes in the world we live in, the conditions for learning change. Children and adolescents have access to orientation opportunities in the media, which they can approach independently. Digital environments call for a rethinking of educational theory and teaching practice in terms of content and didactics. In the contexts of YouTube and Instagram, Influencing has developed as a new factor in market, opinion and personality formation. In order to understand peer learning on social
more » ... a, two classical learning theories can be applied. In the context of communication science and media pedagogy, influencing is based on an update of the conception of parasocial relationship. Technological aspects have to be taken into account. The article concludes with a media pedagogical assessment and religious pedagogical perspectives for educational practice and research.
doi:10.1515/ijpt-2019-0043 fatcat:klrn2fknm5civgfxewkowhpdoa