Ruptured Intracranial Aneurysm treated by Embolization with GDC in Pregnancy

Akihiko Takechi, Ushio Sasaki, Tetsuji Takeda, Kanehisa Kohno, Keiji Kohno, Yoshiaki Yamaguchi, Hiroaki Matsumoto, Takafumi Mitsuhara, Taizo Ishi, Manabu Fujita
2004 Japanese Journal of Neurosurgery  
Acase of ruptured aneurysm in pregnancy treated by embolization is reported . A 27 − year − old , preViously healthy woman was admitted to her family hospital ' s obstetrics and gynecology department in the 28th week of ges − tation . She was sleepy and complained of headache and nausea . On admission to our hospital , her Glasgow coma scale was 12 , but she had no neurological deficit . A computed tomography scan of the head revealed subarachnoid hemorrhage . Cerebral angiography showed a
more » ... lar aneurysm at the left vertebral − posterior inferior cerebellar artery junction . She was treated by endovascular approach with Guglielmi detachable coils . Successful maternal and fetal outcomes were achieved . After 35th week of gestation, she gave birth to a healthy infant by cesarean section . After 16th weeks ' gestation , side effects for the fetus from radiation , iodized contrast matehai and general anesthesia are considered rare . Coil embolization of an aneurysm in pregnancy is the favorable method as is clip − pmg ・ (
doi:10.7887/jcns.13.533 fatcat:7eih3plrzjgstf4wx3nc3xzmlu