Discovering Business Models of Data Marketplaces

Michael Fruhwirth, Michael Rachinger, Emina Prlja
2020 Proceedings of the 53rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences   unpublished
The modern economy relies heavily on data as a resource for advancement and growth. Data marketplaces have gained an increasing amount of attention, since they provide possibilities to exchange, trade and access data across organizations. Due to the rapid development of the field, the research on business models of data marketplaces is fragmented. We aimed to address this issue in this article by identifying the dimensions and characteristics of data marketplaces from a business model
more » ... e. Following a rigorous process for taxonomy building, we propose a business model taxonomy for data marketplaces. Using evidence collected from a final sample of twenty data marketplaces, we analyze the frequency of specific characteristics of data marketplaces. In addition, we identify four data marketplace business model archetypes. The findings reveal the impact of the structure of data marketplaces as well as the relevance of anonymity and encryption for identified data marketplace archetypes.
doi:10.24251/hicss.2020.704 fatcat:hclkjvepffhezhzjstzuv63esa