Corpus--based information presentation for a spoken public transport information system

M. M. M. Rats, R. J. van Vark, J. P. M. de Vreught
1997 Interactive Spoken Dialog Systems on Bringing Speech and NLP Together in Real Applications - ISDS '97   unpublished
The Alparon project aims to improve Vxos, Openbaar Vervoer Reisinformatie's (OVa) automated speech processing system for public transport information, by using a corpus-based approach. The shortcomings of the current system have been investigated, and a study is made of how dialogues in the OVR domain usually occur between a human operator and a client. While centering our attention on the presentation of information by the Automated Speech Processing (ASP) system, we describe the implications
more » ... f this corpus-based approach on the implementation of our prototype.
doi:10.3115/1641462.1641481 fatcat:l7zb2gexbfgzxh6odd7t3oubfa