Syntax for Semantics: Krull's Maximal Ideal Theorem [chapter]

Peter Schuster, Daniel Wessel
2021 Pluralism in Mathematics: A New Position in Philosophy of Mathematics  
AbstractKrull's Maximal Ideal Theorem (MIT) is one of the most prominent incarnations of the Axiom of Choice (AC) in ring theory. For many a consequence of AC, constructive counterparts are well within reach, provided attention is turned to the syntactical underpinning of the problem at hand. This is one of the viewpoints of the revised Hilbert Programme in commutative algebra, which will here be carried out for MIT and several related classical principles.
doi:10.1007/978-3-030-65824-3_6 fatcat:7zvmblc6effejhfn7g3fb5fz2a