Fiber Separation From Wood Pulp Using Slider Crank Mechanism [post]

2021 unpublished
The Fiber separating machine is used to separate the fibers from their raw material (wood pulp). The machine is based on slider crank mechanism in this an iron disk is mounted to the electrical motor. A slider with a rough tooth is present in its bottom. By using the connecting rod, the disk and slider are connected together. The connecting rod converts the rotary motion into the linear motion. By using the forward and backward motion the fibers are de - fiberized from the raw material (wood
more » ... p). This machine is used for small scale industries where bulk machines are not required. The main application of this wood pulp fiber is the making of napkins.
doi:10.14293/s2199-1006.1.sor-.ppqkzzj.v1 fatcat:ccvz2sj445gxhmbumu5d4mqf4y