Stock Market Prices and the Macroeconomics of Emerging Economies: the Case of India

Kamal P Upadhyaya, Raja Nag, Franklin G Mixon, Jr.
2018 Dynamic Econometric Models  
A b s t r a c t. This paper investigates the relationship between stock prices and selected macroeconomic variables in India. The empirical results suggest that, in the long run, output growth and the exchange rate are positively related to stock prices, while money supply exhibits a negative relationship to stock market prices. In the short run most of the variation in the stock market is captured by its own innovation, although the exchange rate, the price level and the interest rate seem to
more » ... ave some effect on short-run stock prices. K e y w o r d s: stock prices, Indian economy, emerging economies, Asian economics J E L Classification: E00; E44
doi:10.12775/dem.2018.002 fatcat:svfb5pc37fh3rft6qkj2fp35xa