Ratchets: muscles, molecules, and quantum heat pumps

Heiner Linke, Tammy E. Humphrey, Laszlo B. Kish, Erol C. Harvey, William B. Spillman, Jr.
2001 BioMEMS and Smart Nanostructures  
Ratchets are systems that combine asymmetry with non-equilibrium processes to generate directed particle flow. A brief general introduction to ratchets is given, and the relevance of the ratchet model for biological motor proteins is highlighted. While biological motor proteins operate classically, ratchet systems that employ quantum effects are of interest from a fundamental point of view. A recent experimental realization of a tunnelling ratchet for electrons is reviewed. Such electron
more » ... ing ratchets can not only be used to generate particle currents, but also to pump heat. Using a realistic model, the heat pumping properties of the experimental electron ratchet are analysed.
doi:10.1117/12.454613 fatcat:uexh7g5hhngi5dgawekpy2lcd4