Reversible separation of single-walled carbon nanotubes in bundles

Sangeeta Sahoo, Ravi Maranganti, Sarah Lastella, Govind Mallick, Shashi Karna, Pradeep Sharma, Pulickel M. Ajayan
2008 Applied Physics Letters  
We show that electrostatic charging of nanotubes and the consequent repulsion can lead to reversible separation of individual single-walled carbon nanotubes in bundles. Low-energy electron beam irradiation leads to this completely reversible phenomenon. A simple semianalytical model is used to explain the observed separation mechanism. The reversibility of the separation process is attributed to discharging and thermal-fluctuation induced motion of the nanotubes in ambient air. Further, the
more » ... ration impacts the electrical conductance of small nanotube bundled devices.
doi:10.1063/1.2976631 fatcat:tk2edp4iqja2dp67wddr5m63fq