The development of digital libraries in Taiwan

Hao‐Ren Ke, Ming‐Jiu Hwang
2000 Electronic library  
Digital libraries are organizations that provide the resources, including the specialized staff, to select, structure, offer intellectual access to, interpret, distribute, preserve the integrity of, and ensure the persistence over time of collections of digital works so that they are readily and economically available for use by a defined community or set of communities. Abstract At the opening of the twenty-first century, developments of digital libraries have been attracting the attention of
more » ... any countries and Taiwan is no exception. The purpose of this article lies in delineating recent developments of digital libraries in Taiwan. This article first quotes a definition of a digital library, and based on this definition, an overview of some of the digital library programs in Taiwan is presented. These programs are divided into four categories: preservation of Chinese and Taiwanese culture; establishment of domestic research digital libraries; provision of foreign research digital libraries and integration of conventional and digital libraries. Electronic access The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at
doi:10.1108/02640470010354590 fatcat:gtehdkmoo5eq3o4xzuswpp2fxi