Acute Tuberculous Appendicitis with Intestinal Obstruction

Yongkie Iswandi Purnama, I Dewa Nyoman Wibawa
2020 The Indonesian Journal of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Digestive Endoscopy  
Tuberculosis (TB) can involve any organs. Tuberculous appendicitis is a rare case. Incidence of primary tuberculous appendicitis is 0.1-0.3% while incidence of secondary tuberculous appendicitis is 1.5-3%. Tuberculous appendicitis occurs in 0.08% of all appendectomy and 0.2% of all TB cases. We reported an acute tuberculous appendicitis with intestinal obstruction. Diagnosis was established based on histopathological findings. Treatments included appendectomy and first category of anti
more » ... sis drugs (ATD) for 6 months. This case was reported to add our insight about possibility of TB as an etiology of many pathologic conditions in abdominal cavity.
doi:10.24871/2022019118-121 fatcat:nypnxdyhsrexvddzoohr2evi7u