3P1-O02 Motion Pattern Analysis for Vertical Trunk Rotation due to an Unexpected Disturbance(Sense, Motion and Measurement (2))
3P1-O02 体幹部の鉛直軸上にモーメントが発生する際のモーションパターン解析(感覚・運動・計測(2))

Shogo ONUMA, Hiroki NARITA, Daisuke SATO, Yoshikazu KANAMIYA
2014 The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec)  
This work describes a method for motion pattern analysis of a human reacting to an unexpected force applied at one of the shoulders. From the analysis, a linear relation between the joint angles of the legs and the twist angle of the torso is derived. It is thus shown that a relatively complex motion pattern can be produced by the superposition of simpler motion patterns like pure torso twist, hip strategy and ankle strategy.
doi:10.1299/jsmermd.2014._3p1-o02_1 fatcat:bm635flcvfhqnjgztogyhi3mxe