Investigations of Low and Moderate Harmonic Fast Wave Physics on CDX-U [report]

J. Spaleta, R. Majeski, C.K. Phillips, R.J. Dumont, R. Kaita, V. Soukhanovskii, L. Zakharov
2003 unpublished
¥ § ¦ © Third harmonic hydrogen cyclotron fast wave heating studies are planned in the near term on CDX-U to investigate the potential for bulk ion heating. In preparation for these studies, the available RF power in CDX-U has been increased to 9 ! MHz RF system on NSTX, at ! "@ Tesla in hydrogen. Preliminary computational studies over the plasma regimes of interest for NSTX and CDX-U indicate the possibility of strong localized absorption on bulk ion species.
doi:10.2172/814708 fatcat:gsaa7eqcunbfffhn42bxkgcdxu