Types of Faltering Government Projects (Case Studies in the Qassim Region).(Dept.A)

Abdulaziz Alhrabi, Mohammed Al-Thuwaini
2021 MEJ. Mansoura Engineering Journal  
Mohammed Ahmed Al-Thuwaini (Master student), Department of architecture, Works at project management, Qassim University, Saudi Arabia (K.S.A.) (m.a.m.16@hotmail.com). Abstract: -The construction sector in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is considered one of the most important sectors, yet we find that most government projects suffer from stumbling in the implementation resulting in an increase in cost and time period. The research problem lies in the presence of faltering government projects in the
more » ... construction sector, and it is important to know the types of causes of these faltering government projects so that they can be avoided in the future. Where the research methodology was based on previous studies related to projects and track the study cases of troubled government projects and their description in the Qassim region, and the comparison to see similarities. The research included an analysis of the tracked study cases and collected from several sources, where ten (10) cases of stumbling government projects in the Qassim region were reviewed. The results indicate that there are many different types of projects stumbling in the construction sector, which are classified according to the project parties (the owner, the consultant, the contractor) and according to the sections of the projects timeline (civil, architectural, mechanics, electricity), where the owner formed the highest The percentage of delayed financial extracts (80%), while the Electricity Department (55%), the Architectural Department (25%), and the Mechanics Department (31%( ‫د‬
doi:10.21608/bfemu.2021.143053 fatcat:6wo3w5tajvhkfiuigmeccom7oa