A 2.3GHz linearized CMOS power amplifier with AM-AM and AM-PM distortion correction

Hyun Jin Yoo, Dong Hyun Baek, Kuk Jin Chun, Yun Seong Eo
2010 IEICE Electronics Express  
A linearized 2.3 GHz CMOS power amplifier with AM-AM and AM-PM distortion correction is presented. The varactors are used at the driver amplifier load to correct the phase distortion and gate bias control of the PA to compensate the amplitude distortion. The proposed CMOS PA has been implemented in 0.13 µm CMOS technology. The measured results show that P 1 dB is increased 1.6 dB and PAE is improved from 5.5% to 9% at the condition of −28 dB EVM, respectively.
doi:10.1587/elex.7.1602 fatcat:6bin7sdxsnhuhhpixm2oreu65y