Modeling Time Allocation to Leisure and Travel

Pavel Andreev, Nava Pliskin, Tsipi Heart
2009 Americas Conference on Information Systems  
This multidisciplinary study has investigated the impacts of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), as computers, telephones, or televisions, on leisure activities and leisure-related travel, developing and empirically validating the Time Allocation to Leisure and Travel (TALT) Model for analysis of personal time-budget, and for exploration of tradeoffs between personal-activity demands. Based on the time allocation concept, the personal utility maximization concept and travel
more » ... r theory, the model investigates the relationships between non-leisure activities and leisure activities, whether or not ICT-based, as well as leisure-related travel. Despite expectations in prior research for reduction in travel as a result of ICT use for leisure activities, this study shows the impact of ICT on leisure travel to be merely negligible.
dblp:conf/amcis/AndreevPH09 fatcat:e5ntlp6a2nfm3g6aob3jifozom