Renormalization group invariance and optimal QCD renormalization scale-setting: a key issues review

Xing-Gang Wu, Yang Ma, Sheng-Quan Wang, Hai-Bing Fu, Hong-Hao Ma, Stanley J Brodsky, Matin Mojaza
2015 Reports on progress in physics (Print)  
A valid prediction for a physical observable from quantum field theory should be independent of the choice of renormalization scheme -- this is the primary requirement of renormalization group invariance (RGI). Satisfying scheme invariance is a challenging problem for perturbative QCD (pQCD), since a truncated perturbation series does not automatically satisfy the requirements of the renormalization group. Two distinct approaches for satisfying the RGI principle have been suggested in the
more » ... ture. One is the "Principle of Maximum Conformality" (PMC) in which the terms associated with the β-function are absorbed into the scale of the running coupling at each perturbative order; its predictions are scheme and scale independent at every finite order. The other approach is the "Principle of Minimum Sensitivity" (PMS), which is based on local RGI; the PMS approach determines the optimal renormalization scale by requiring the slope of the approximant of an observable to vanish. In this paper, we present a detailed comparison of the PMC and PMS procedures by analyzing two physical observables R_e+e- and Γ(H→ bb̅) up to four-loop order in pQCD. At the four-loop level, the PMC and PMS predictions for both observables agree within small errors with those of conventional scale setting assuming a physically-motivated scale, and each prediction shows small scale dependences. However, the convergence of the pQCD series at high orders, behaves quite differently: The PMC displays the best pQCD convergence since it eliminates divergent renormalon terms; in contrast, the convergence of the PMS prediction is questionable, often even worse than the conventional prediction based on an arbitrary guess for the renormalization scale. ......
doi:10.1088/0034-4885/78/12/126201 pmid:26510392 fatcat:3q2ozejdvzbenlgj23vajyo27i