influence of brand image and prices on KFC product purchase decision

Arif Rahman Saputra, Zakaria Wahab, Muchsin Saggaf Shihab, Marlina Widiyanti
2022 International journal of social sciences  
This study is to decide the impact of brand picture and cost on buying choices for KFC items (a contextual investigation at the KFC Prabumulih City branch). The populace in this study were all customers who bought KFC items at the Prabumulih part of KFC in 2022, and the example utilized in this study was 100 respondents utilizing the purposive examining strategy. The different direct relapse examination results show that brand picture significantly affects buying choices. Cost affects buying
more » ... ices. KFC Indonesia ought normal to be all the more frequently engaged with get-togethers. Furthermore, it is trusted that KFC can offer more to the general climate by being engaged with typical food dispersion to individuals out of luck. Value, it is trusted that KFC Indonesia can add variations of the Goceng menu and menus at low costs. Since KFC's piece of the pie covers varying backgrounds in light of direct examination in the field, the typical KFC purchasers are school and undergrads. Adding more Goceng menus makes purchasers more keen on purchasing KFC menus contrasted with other comparable drive-through joints.
doi:10.21744/ijss.v5n3.1908 fatcat:mvmvrw2pdncfvjmfausm4cmdlu