Multi-authority Attribute-Based Encryption with User Revocation and Outsourcing Decryption

Xinyue Zhang, Yue Chen, Xincheng Yan, Hongyong Jia
2019 Journal of Physics, Conference Series  
Attribute based encryption scheme is widely used to share sensitive data in cloud storage environment because it can realize fine-grained access control. Aiming at the problem of user revocation and high cost of decryption in cloud storage environment, a multi-authority attribute based encryption scheme with efficient user revocation and outsourcing decryption was proposed. It supports large universe. Each authority manages a specific set of attributes and distributes attribute keys to users
more » ... h corresponding attributes, avoiding the problem that a single authority may easily become a system bottleneck. The user revocation algorithm of the scheme can realize the efficient revocation of the authorized users, ensuring the forward security of ciphertext. It's proved to be statically-secure under random oracle and the efficiency analysis shows that it reduces user decryption cost greatly
doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1302/2/022026 fatcat:w422ccy7tjfa3fyc7uc7taql3a