Preserving and Increasing Students' Motivation - A Case Study

Eleonora Bâcă
2020 Ovidius University Annals: Economic Sciences Series  
The present paper aims to investigate students' motivation to continue learning as well as their perception on the support provided by their professors during a period of online courses. The questionnaires where developed and the data used was collected from the first-year students of "Ovidius" University of Constanta, the Faculty of Economic Studies. Various cross-disciplinary theories explain that students learning occurs only when properly motivated, especially in a period when social and
more » ... ironmental challenges impact on academic structure. Therefore, we decided to investigate up to what extent this vital component of the learning process was challenged. The questionnaire investigated the problem of motivation for the first-year students to continue their studies and the circumstances which could encourage them to continue their effort. We paid particular attention to the social component, as well as to the special social connections they perceive, or they manage to develop during this period.
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