Method of Correcting Hyperspectral Image for Seabed Material Analysis of Coastal Area

Myung-Sik SHIN
2016 Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies  
Airborne or spaceborne remote sensing can increase the efficiency of seabed material surveys compared with field surveying using a vessel. For the same seabed material, the optical remote sensing image shows variation in the reflectance depending on the water depth, which is due to the absorption and scattering by the water column. This study suggests a correction procedure to use the hyperspectral image for seabed material analysis. The study is conducted in the coastal area from Sacheonjin
more » ... t to Gyungpo Beach in Gangwon-do. The hyperspectral image is acquired using the CASI-1500 sensor. The diffuse attenuation coefficient is estimated for each band through regression 2016년 4월 3일 접수
doi:10.11108/kagis.2016.19.2.107 fatcat:vvcuoiexcfbdnds2aiqapbasyy