Geometric and Topological Bases of a New Classification of Wood Vascular Tissues Part 1: Shape and Arrangement Classifications of Vessels

Nikolai Bardarov, Vladislav Todorov, Nicole Christoff
2021 Sustainability  
The need to identify wood by its anatomical features requires a detailed analysis of all the elements that make it up. This is a significant problem of structural wood science, the most general and complete solution of which is yet to be sought. In recent years, increasing attention has been paid to the use of computer vision methods to automate processes such as the detection, identification, and classification of different tissues and different tree species. The more successful use of these
more » ... thods in wood anatomy requires a more precise and comprehensive definition of the anatomical elements, according to their geometric and topological characteristics. In this article, we conduct a detailed analysis of the limits of variation of the location and grouping of vessels in the observed microscopic samples. The present development offers criteria and quantitative indicators for defining the terms shape, location, and group of wood tissues. It is proposed to differentiate the quantitative indicators of the vessels depending on their geometric and topological characteristics. Thus, with the help of computer vision technics, it will be possible to establish topological characteristics of wood vessels, the extraction of which would be used to develop an algorithm for the automatic classification of tree species.
doi:10.3390/su13147545 fatcat:l5gi6emgevcghbs54ngqvzwopm