Model of System Recovery in Periodic Disaster and Reproduction

Razi J. Al-Azawi
2017 International Journal of Computation and Applied Sciences  
The systems of the type of "man-machineenvironment" to the protection of natural and man-made disasters with different types of intensity as a classical simple flow, and with unstable source. The process of liquidation of the accident in all models takes place in several stages, with different intensities, and the possibility of multiple repetitions of steps in the case of "multi-disaster." The numerical and experimental results revealed that for the time dependence of the probability of states
more » ... allow you to determine the time of the establishment of the dynamic processes in the HMS system with non-stationary flows of accidents and demonstrate the validity of estimation averaged probabilities of states for medium intensity events.
doi:10.24842/1611/0026 fatcat:6ufxsdgtxrbmvhw7n6pnxuynzu